
This is our service-level agreement (SLA) as a commitment with our partners. Aspects as the quality, availability and rate-limiting are defined to make sure that as a partner, you will have a high commitment from us.

πŸ‘ Availability
The API is available 99% of the time 24/7 (weekly).

What it means: The availability means that the endpoint is up and running and can be called by external systems.

πŸ‘ Completion rate
The API completion rate for correctly formatted API calls is 99,9% while the transactions per time period rule are followed (weekly).

What it means: The completion rate indicates the ratio of API calls the API guarantees will succeed provided that the message is formatted correctly and has suitable data.

πŸ‘ Transactions per time period
The peak volume the API can handle is 1000 transactions per second while the average volume per hour is below them 100 transactions per second.

What it means: The number of transactions per time period the API endpoints must be able to handle. The purpose is to make sure the infrastructure and applications can handle the expected volume of transactions without issues.

Each API key we give outcomes with certain limits. These limits are set on a per second and per day basis. When you exceed these limits we’ll return a 429 Too Many Requests code for every request you send.

ο»ΏRate Burst Quota
1.000 requests per second 500 requests 10.000 requests per day

πŸ“˜ Burst limit
The burst limit specified the number of requests you can do in excess of the rate limit before we start responding with a `429 Too Many Requests` code. Given that you can do 1.000 requests per second or 1 every millisecond, all requests that arrive sooner than 1ms after the previous one are put in a queue (which has a limit of 500 of such requests) to be served at the rate of 1 per millisecond. If you happen to send more requests than those 500 in a very quick fashion (i.e. in a burst), those will be dropped and you'll get a `429 Too Many Requests` code.

πŸ‘ Transaction latency
The maximum response time for a request is 5 seconds

What it means: The time it takes to receive a response (valid or not) to the request.

πŸ‘ Webhook/Notification Transaction processing time
The maximum notification processing time for the first request is 12 hours.

What it means: The end to end time it takes to receive the first notification (passed or failed) to the request.