Migration Guide

The following guide will help you migrate from Partner API to Mercury API.


Partner API is available in the OLX platforms. Mercury API provides a similar set of functionalities but with better performance, enhanced security, increase resiliency and higher efficiency.

This guide will help developers switching any application using Partner API to post and manage content on any of the specialized platforms into Mercury API.


  • Familiarize yourself with the Mercury API syntax. Explore the methods in the API Reference.
  • Figure out which Partner API endpoints your app uses, and look up the equivalent ones in Mercury API using our Partner API → Mercury API mapping table.
  • Setup a webhook notification URL to receive asynchronous updates whenever an advert changes status. We expect this webhook to return an HTTP 2XX error code.
  • Update your app’s code, replacing Partner API calls with Mercury API calls.
  • Update the error handling in your app to utilize Mercury API errors. Check the following links for more details:


Here’s a mapping of how Partner API functionality maps to Mercury API. All Partner API endpoints are listed in the left column, and the equivalent Mercury API endpoints are in the right column. Some endpoints take different parameters or return different data; make sure you check out the full documentation when that’s noted. Not all Partner API and Mercury API endpoints are listed here.


Summary Partner API Mercury API Comments
Get Access Token POST /api/open/oauth/token POST /oauth/v1/token Check documentation for Authorization Flow

Summary Partner API Mercury API Comments
Create Advert POST /api/partner/adverts POST /advert/v1
Update Advert PUT /api/partner/adverts/{id} PUT /advert/v1/{advert_uuid}
Delete Advert DELETE /api/partner/adverts/{id} DELETE /advert/v1/{advert_uuid}
Activate Advert POST /api/partner/adverts/{id}/commands POST /advert/v1/{advert_uuid}/activate Partner API endpoint requires a command field on the method's body (activate)
Deactivate Advert POST /api/partner/adverts/{id}/commands POST /advert/v1/{advert_uuid}/deactivate Partner API endpoint requires a command field on the method's body (deactivate)
Get Advert GET /api/partner/adverts/{id} GET /advert/v1/{advert_uuid}/meta The corresponding methods from Partner API and Mercury API return different payloads and not all attributes have a correspondence


Summary Partner API Mercury API Comments
Get Categories GET /api/partner/categories GET /taxonomy/v1/categories/partner/{site_urn} Returns all categories and attributes from the input site_urn
Get Category Attributes GET /api/partner/categories/{id}/attributes GET /taxonomy/v1/categories/partner/{site_urn}/{category_urn}